so sry for her~
coz hv been wait me fr lg time^^
kinda busy lar wei me~*ahem*XD
n i get my gelato ice-cream 2day~
alwis the foods 1st lar~
x energy hw to shop leh?!!!XD
Pancake House again..y?
coz x others shop in pavillion dy lar~><
_the wei..n the SHOPPING QUEEN!!!!!_
x wan will admit 1st if she r the No. 1 shopping queen!!
she can shop til Non-Stop!!!!OMG
til my leg bek tahan
ask fr stop fr few times leh!!!
can imagine?!!T.T
the 1st...
erm..4gt the name dy><
the 2nd..
seasonal pancakes..
i was FULL til~~~~!!!!><
ok 123...START!!
Its Shopping time!^^
bt...the shopping queen
r the most busy ppl..
y?busy wif the clothes~~lol
im stil enjoyed wif wei hehe
_Attract my attention when i passed by_
i like n luv all the things
those related wif the 'Old'
since i was small..dunno y^^
_plz tell me tis shirt r nice ..._
Really bek tahan keep shop n shop@@
keep telling the Queen its Dessert time nw lol
hehe..finally..Geleto Fruity..^^
_meet wif the skulmate Natalie while buying the ice-cream_
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