Summer are here, you are lovely
_Attract my attention when i passed by_
i like n luv all the things
those related wif the 'Old'
since i was small..dunno y^^
_plz tell me tis shirt r nice ..._
Really bek tahan keep shop n shop@@
keep telling the Queen its Dessert time nw lol
hehe..finally..Geleto Fruity..^^
_meet wif the skulmate Natalie while buying the ice-cream_
_Attract my attention when i passed by_
i like n luv all the things
those related wif the 'Old'
since i was small..dunno y^^
_plz tell me tis shirt r nice ..._
Really bek tahan keep shop n shop@@
keep telling the Queen its Dessert time nw lol
hehe..finally..Geleto Fruity..^^
_meet wif the skulmate Natalie while buying the ice-cream_
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