ruisen n huiming..my xueji frez..
thanks alot for celebrate my b'day..
old frez meet..
no need beautiful flower
no need romantic words
no need highclasses wearing
jz a hug..everything warm included heart
At the beginning i told them tat day i was hv 3 wishes
1st~take lot of pic wif them (coz most of the time v jz meet in xueji><)
2nd~i wanna buy a black bag for used in my skul life
(i edi collect money for 1 months liao leh~)
3rd~ wannaaa eat ice cream and cake~yeayea
(bcoz is my birthday~^^)
get Pizza Hut for our dinner..
yeayea nice nice..
long time din eat liao..
tat day special reason mah so let myself enjoy fast food
reali nice wor~~

after eating then shopping lor
erm..can said shopping mah?
coz v jz play n laught all the journey..kaka^^
really hv alot of fun when wif them..
coz they 2 r realli dan chun
they think simple all the time
i think tis type of ppl realli pupus in tis world liao
Some example here..when v go jusco..
huimin wan get a packet of easy take tissue
ruisen said he noe where then he go to get lor..
when he come bek..his hands hold a packet of 3 tissue box..
huimin score him
n i realli laught until cant control tat time..hahaha
Then..when v wanna paid at the counter..
huimin opening her wallet n she ask ruisen to c hw much of the total
He cant find the showing machine..
then he c from the inner counter machine..
i crazy in laughting lor tat time..huimin too
even the ppl behind us..
sry ruisen it realli funny leh~^^

jz tat day 3 ppl like became so childish liao..
but...i din play at the finally..coz no more coin liao><)
Oh ya..i meet meiteng n gabrial 3 times in midvalley..
They paituo mah dunwan disturb
not oni them i oso saw many student tat r from ucsi leh..
wats wrong wor~
Finally huimin got bf liao^^hehe
atually v edi c the guy liao de..
jz in aimei..so she keep secret 1st..
aiyoyo..dun malu malu de mah
feel hapi for u when heard it^^
SRY to say to u wor..
i noe u two wanna buy present to me..
but i keep put back the things from counter from shop to shop..
..wat i wanna say is..
can meet wif u two for tat day edi r best present for me

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