bcoz of one of my xueji frez..
she ask me come to a cosmectic clz..
it charged free..
then i ask jen them go oso..
kityee unable to join us coz got yoga clz
oni will join us the clz><
b4 v going there v dunno wat the clz wil be atually
n even hv no idea wat brands of it..
tis The Face Shop which coorporate
wif korea plaza de cosmentic clz
Once v step in the korea plaza shop
wats inside the shop were attart our attention
full of korean things
clothes,mtv,traditional toys,traditional shoes,
Then v saw many n many paper bags tat filled
wif things put on the floor..
"so many the face shop paper bag wor.."
"izit for gv us later?"
"i think yes lor.."
"so many leh^^"
"ya wor keke.."
(p/s: girls alway like tat^^)


Wait wait wait..finally start liao..

"i going to devide u into 5 groups ya"
v feel wanna stick together ..but ..jz follow lor..
Ruparupanya at the back of each chair of us oso got 1 number..
follow the number..then 5 groups form..
the name..are so so special leh
pinkielicious, razzle dazzle, mysthical forest, funky babe, red carpe(failed to take the razzle dazzle de coz the one was the 1st group show ..too fast><)

(pinkielicious-meiteng's group)
(mysthical forest-crystal group)
(Funky babe)
(Red carpet-mine)
Each group got one "small teacher" from the face shop team
come to help us..
V hv to make up follow our own group theme
The most most suprise was..
each group hv to choose one model..
n me n crystal selected to become the model for our group!
n the most most most suprise was
me n crystal were win as the top 3 at he final!!
(the clothes n bag n high heel n ear ring
were my team member de..
the power of team work!!)

get many many cosmentic leh!!!each of us!!
v count cost 100++ of each bag de leh!!!!
Yeayeayea..hapi neh!!!

The korean plaza oso provide korean launguage clz n
korean singing clz for free n cooking clz++
jen n meiteng interesting to the cooking clz
n me.. korean language clz!!free de leh..
never c any other in kl lor..
n..the korean traditional de clothes
atually v can try up de leh
next time i wan try!!><
Second round ..Sunway..!!
Kityee fetch us..thanks ya muacks!
bcoz wanna wait for the steamboot shop open until 6pm..
then v jalan-jalan 1st lor..
keke..n having out tea time 1st^^
Autie anne bread..(am i rite?)
meiteng rekemen me the sour onion de flavour..
yummy yummy~nice nice!!!
oh ya..v meet Stickymen..
Third round..steamboot!!!wakakak
v ate alot!!!!!
stomach like prenant few months edi@@
fill n tired
full n tired
still full n tired..
oni the 2 feeling v having after finished our steamboot dinner==
Really hapi n enjoyed all the day..
really had a un4got date wif u girl
next time oso go the cosmentic clz together again rite?
okok..i register for us 1st^^
cant wait liao^^