I gt a call frm a agent
few days ago
ask fr interview a chistmas event2day
i was went fr the interview
wif my colleague, shirleythe japanese dolls looking's girl..^^
atually at tis moment
v jz nid to take pic wif the christmas wear
the client hv to choose 2 among 5 girls here@@
_Cute!! shirley, the japanese looking's doll_

_the agent was helping us _
During taking picthe agent were x satisfied wif our make up
they said
v were having too light make up
(usually i was jz put eyeliner oni as my make up)they wan a heavy make up@@
The agent are nice
They were trying to help us
by borrow us those cosmetic
there r quite FUNNY moment tat time
Lets imagine..the agent keeped asking us
" heavy abit heavy abit"
Shirley n me
were busy wif putting heavy n heavy@@
kinda funny tat time
coz v dunno hw heavy make up they wanna==
_those cosmetic they borrow to us_

_the orginal make up of us_
_x nice meh?y muz heavy make up wor?@@_
_Pic takEN time_
Stil dunno whether i gt the job anotoni gt the ans by next week
if gt it
v wil working at KLCC
during 2-8th dec..
if x mistaken our jobs wil be
giving out the cadbury choco^^
gt Choco frm us if u r there tat time~XD