Again im so 糊涂..last time rmb foward the date for my tooth fiting
tis time i think backward for the date><
y'day when i call to the clinic to book for 2day coz i tot my date will be tis fri
n i wanna bring forward to 2day..
"im sukping..can i bring foward my date to 2ml?"said me
"err..your date shounld be last fri de wor..n u din come for it..."
"ermmm..ya meh..hehe(paiseh~)sry ya..im rmb wrongly.."said me
Then..2day 11.3o reach edi..wait for a while..
this is the Room 2 tat i always go in to fix my tooth..
erm..hw the describe the feeling every time i was waiting leh..
Quite scare atually..coz go there by myself always..
There r quite a long journey walk to there..
especially when u are 1 person..
is doesnt feel good atually..
Well..the doctor n everyone from the clinic r nice to me everytime..
They always like try all their best to do for u..
Somemore every time i go there i feel the dream move forward a step from me..
tis make me feel a little better
( i take from the sofe corner..
the corner where every time i read magazines
while waiting for calling me)

(Tis is a poster which always attract my attention every time i go there!!
Whitening..is a good step oso..
may be i should think abo it..)
After go inside the room..they start东敲敲西挡挡on my tooth..
many sound start around me..
"zi~zhi~"(machine sound)
"xi..xiiii(water sound)
"koo looloo~kooolooloo~( absord water machine sound)
The feeling r bad while waching my tooth!!><
Finally finished..b4 i step out from the room..
"erm..next time hv 2 remove 2 teeth from the below part.."said doctor
"wat?!!again"said me
"ya..coz need place to fix it more nice n clocely.."said doctor
"ha~~then....then..ok lorr"said me
OMG!!i scare remove teeth larrrr~~
so scarely~~
like last time the 1st time remove 2 teeth from upper part..
when i think back tat time...
arghhh..scare lar~~~~~~~~
But..no choice..............................><

(my tooth clinic card n the resit..
now oni noe tat i edi go for 6 times liao)
Still..When i think back i hv to
remove teeth again..
sosoosoos scarely lar!!!!!><